
How To Warm Up Properly…

… And Avoid Injuries

How To Warm Up Properly to Avoid Injury

We all want to get done with our workouts as quickly as possible.

We have games to play, comic books to read and things we want to accomplish in life and the more time we spend in the gym means less time doing all that fun stuff right?!? I get it…

What we don’t want is a pulled hamstring, bicep or pancreas though! It’s really difficult to lose weight, build muscle, feel better about ourselves, and continue on our path to becoming a real-life superhero if we’re laid up on the couch nursing an injury.

So don’t be that guy who wanders into the gym aimlessly and then plops down on a bench, or a machine, and starts cranking out a workout immediately.  I see it all the time, and very often these are the same people who end up never seeing real progress because they either:

  • Hurt themselves and have to take significant time off of their program
  • Never perform at their peak because their muscles aren’t primed and ready to go

Luckily, you’re reading The Jerd… and I’m going to keep you straight!

So today, in honor of Rule #6 of the Jerd Herd, we are going to talk about training smart! You’re going to learn why you need to warming up before every workout and how to warm up properly.

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