How To: Recover from a Workout

how to recover from a workoutSince I have been dealing with a few back-end site hiccups the past two weeks I thought I would use it as a round about way to discuss the importance of an oft-times overlooked, but vital, component of a fitness regimen. Recovery time!

First off, before I lay out how to recover from a workout, let’s talk about what really happens after a workout and why we get sore.

Muscle soreness (not the burn you feel while performing an exercise, but that sucky dull ache we all experience the day after a workout) is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise. After the workout, the muscle begins to rebuild itself. This is the process which creates new muscle that is bigger and stronger than before. In other words, the pain you feel is your muscles growing! Unfortunately this soreness is proof of a successful workout as it means you’ve trained hard enough to break down muscle tissue; so now, as a result, you are rewarded with muscle growth. Yay!

Luckily the human body is an amazing machine that adapts to whatever you throw at it. So don’t worry true believers, the workout that initially felt like it crippled you will eventually be a walk in the proverbial park. The cruel joke of it all though is that we need to constantly “shock” our body with new exercises in order to steadily stimulate muscle growth and improve our fitness level. So expect the soreness to return every time you try something new at the gym. It is a never-ending cycle, but there is definite truth to the old adage “No pain, no gain!

The good news is that there are ways to cut down on the miserableness of post-workout soreness, so let me arm you with a little knowledge on how to recover from workouts and to help mitigate the suck factor.

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How To: Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

Stick to Your New Years ResolutionWe are now almost a week into 2013 and I am already seeing friends and family complain about slipping on their resolutions.

It is a phenomenon that happens every year without fail!

I think studies show that something around a staggering 80% of all resolutions are unsuccessful; and while the science behind why your brain goes into cognitive overload when you lay down all those well-intentioned resolutions on your frontal lobe is fascinating, I want to focus on something a little more useful to my readers.

How to Not Suck at New Year’s Resolutions!

How to Not Suck at News Years Resolutions - The Jerd

That’s right Jerdlings, let’s break down what to do (and not to do) when it comes to this yearly cycle of fail and guilt.

I am sure you already have your list of resolutions, either in your head or scribbled on a piece of paper hanging on your refrigerator, but let’s take a few minutes to look at why you might be setting yourself up for a morale crushing failure; and even better yet let’s use this as an opportunity to revamp them in a way that will make you successful!

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How To: Survive the Holiday Dinners

How To Survive the Holiday Dinners - The Jerd

The holiday season is upon us, and that can mean a veritable death sentence for your diet if you aren’t careful!

So what can you do to avoid a massive derailment of your personal fitness train?

How can you brave the diabolical onslaught of Doctor Mashed Potato and his evil sidekick Gravy-Boy?

How Do You Survive the Holiday Intact?!?

First and foremost it is important to remember that is okay to enjoy yourself; having a commitment to a reasonably healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to eat like a monk and forgo all edible pleasure.

Unless you are an athlete, or on a strict diet due to an upcoming competition of some sort, all you need to do is remember to just moderate what you cram in your pie-hole.

The goal should be to enjoy yourself and make it out of the giant calorie-fest with both your waistline and relationships with family members still intact.

Behind Enemy Lines

How to Survive the Holiday Dinners 2 - The Jerd

I find that often the hardest part of the family holiday get-together is not necessarily the menu, but the absolute disregard for your personal health choices from other members of your family.

I don’t know what it is about someone trying to be responsible with what they put in their bodies, but it really seems to upset those who aren’t as vigilant on the health front.

Personally, I think that so many people know they should eat better and when someone else shows the willpower to do so in their presence it makes them uncomfortable. Rather than make the effort to build themselves up they take the much easier route of tearing you down.

I don’t believe that this is usually a conscious decision, but it is a very common occurrence nonetheless; and a frustrating one at that!

No-one wants to get into a discussion with their rotund Aunt Bertha about her butter-crusted apple pie…

No Aunt Bertha, your butter-crust sugar apple gut-bomb is delicious.

Of course I like your cooking. I just don’t need to eat it…

Please stop crying.

This is where the compromises and decisions need to come in!

Feel free to have a very small slice to meet social conventions (unless you have just managed to beat your sweet tooth into submission. Don’t reawaken that beast!) but make sure that if you know at the end of the day you are going to indulge that you prepare accordingly by avoiding other high sugar options earlier in the day.

No sodas, no candied yams, etc…

Just remember, willpower and portion control is the key to survive the holiday dinner (and avoiding the bread!) Pay attention to that and you should be golden!

One important point that I cannot stress enough though is this:

Making up for being bad, or un-planned cheating, is a flawed concept and a slippery slope that almost always leads to failures and setbacks!

Don’t use the holidays as an excuse to fall back into bad habits.

Don’t sabotage yourself!

Plan your meals for the day to accommodate the extra-large meal you know you are going have by eating a light breakfast/lunch full of fruit and colorful veggies (we all know the holiday meals are almost always nothing but protein and carbs) and by drinking a lot of water to help curb your appetite.

Don’t Be That Guy

How To Survive the Holiday Dinners 3- The Jerd

If you are the one who has the joyous responsibility of hosting people for a holiday meal, remember to not be that holier-than-thou jackass who only serves tofu and wheatgrass; no matter how healthy and responsible you are personally trying to be.

Just as it is very annoying to have inconsiderate people trying to push their bad dietary choices on you when attending their get together, it is just as rude to try and keep Aunt Bertha from her favorite 5000 calorie green bean casserole when she is a guest in your home.

Cook all the tasty fare that people expect on the holidays, just make sure to include some healthier options as well!

Have a lot of colorful veggies available, keep sauces on the side so people can regulate their intake, and just focus on your own portion control.

If you don’t think anyone else wants your avocado-tomato salad that you plan on eating, then just make enough for you and enjoy it as your family eats buttered and gravy covered mashed potatoes.

Remember, your commitment to health is a personal journey; lead by example, not through evangelization!

Who knows, maybe after Aunt Bertha sees that you can still eat tasty foods and be healthy she might want to start making a change for herself too!

So everyone out there in Jerd-land have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I sincerely hope you survive the holiday dinners before you with your commitment to a healthy lifestyle still intact. Let me know what you plan to eat during the holidays!

Drop a comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to get your FREE e-book!

Also check out our YouTube channel (if you want access to our Nerd-Core Fitness exercise videos), follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site.) There are so many different ways for you to get your daily dose of Jerdly goodness so don’t miss out!

(Photo #1 credit, Photo #2 credit)

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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How To: Turn Your Life Into an Everyday Workout

Want to know my secret for always being in reasonably good shape no matter what? It is simple – I treat my life as an everyday workout.

Photo by Mike Baird

It really is that simple, I swear. For years people have asked me what I do to stay in shape and my answer was always “Stay active and eat reasonably well”; but last weekend something my wife said made me realize that there is a little more to it than that. I realized that I treat everything I do throughout the day as an opportunity to stay active and that it is the accumulation of that outlook on life that brings about such positive results. It is easy to fall into the trap of sitting behind a desk all day, feeling tired and always taking the easy way out of daily chores and activities; but if you are tired already, not spending 10 minutes here or there doing something isn’t going to cure that malaise now is it? No, it isn’t. So suck it up Nancy, make a childish game out of daily chores and expend a little effort turning your life into an everyday workout.

Over time you will see the results!

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How To: Develop a Healthy Routine

If there are two things I can say, without the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, it is that:

  1. Geeks are smart.
  2. Geeks have great terrible self-control. (As in the movie version of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” terrible!)

Everyone has routines, it is simple human nature. The problem is that a lot of them suck and are just not that healthy! Essentially routines are just complex strings of habits; and once you have a bad routine locked in, just like with a bad habit, it is really hard to break out of it. So why is it so hard, and what can an aspiring Jerd do to fix it?!?

First we have to understand why we develop these bad habits in the first place.

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How To: Schedule Your Workouts

How To Schedule WorkoutsAs the Nerd-Core Fitness train keeps rolling along a lot of you loyal readers have been asking how to schedule your workouts. Now that you have three solid beginner workouts to do as well as tips on running, it can be a little overwhelming if you are new to fitness. So let’s recap for a moment; you have at your disposal:

So the question of how to fit these newfound activities into your schedule makes complete sense! The question can be looked at several different ways, so what I want to do is offer you some Jerdtastic advice today on how to:

  • Schedule your workouts throughout the week
  • Figure out your optimal workout time
  • Schedule your meals to best suit your workouts

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How To: Set Your Fitness Goals

Set Your Fitness GoalsAs I have mentioned before it can be overwhelming once you make the decision that you want to be more active and healthy.  Not only is it difficult to pin down the “hows” but it can be daunting just defining the “what“!  In order to set your fitness goals, and have them be realistic and actionable, you need to sit down for 10-15 minutes and put some pen to paper (I am big on writing things down and visualizations).  We are going to figure out what we are trying to accomplish with this newfound direction in life…

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How To: Find the Right Martial Arts School

Strap in boys and girls, this is going to be a long one…

As I discussed in Balancing Gaming and Healthy Living – You Can Do It! one of the ways I suggested that gamers geeks find a healthy activity, that melds well with their gaming interests, was to take up a martial art – especially if fighting games were their thing.  I spent a little time discussing how to overcome one of the major hurdles to breaking out of your basement from in front of your TV or monitor – laziness.  What I didn’t address was the other major obstacle that many people struggle with, which is how exactly do you get started?

After reading this, you will be armed with the tools to find the right martial arts school that is the perfect fit for you!

For the last 25 years, martial arts have been a constant positive influence on my life and health.  Over the years I have run the gamut; I have:

  • Owned a commercial school
  • Taught out of my house and Rec centers
  • Studied privately and been a student at both small, recreational clubs and highly successful schools.

And through the years I can honestly say I have seen it all.  Good, bad and comical (I once walked into a school in Ft Lauderdale teaching “I Kick Your Ass Do”, I kid you not.)

The seeds of being a jerd were planted when, around 8 years old, I found my particular jock and my first geek around the same time.  I fondly remember every weekend going to the neighborhood pool and learning to play D&D with a few of the older kids on Saturday and then being glued to the TV on Sunday watching Kung-Fu theater and being absolutely fascinated by the athletic feats.   I spent that entire summer rolling dice and watching Bruce Lee movies, imitating what I saw.  From there, my path was pretty much set; all I had to do was find the right martial arts school for me, which unfortunately took me a lot of attempts.

So you want to be the next Jet Li.  How do you find the right martial arts school and get started?

How to find the right martial arts school

Take your place among these immortal bad-asses!

If you want to see a geek argument of epic proportions, put a few serious martial artists in a room and get them to argue about discuss what style is superior.  The debate will get hotter than a Kirk vs Picard panel at a Star Trek convention in no time!  Since our goal is more than likely to get in better shape, improve our flexibility and to get out from behind our computer desk; the actual style you ultimately settle on isn’t a big deal.  How the school is run and how you feel you fit in is much more important.

“The main factors in choosing a recreational martial arts school should be instructor personality, professionalism and overall gym culture.”

The first step to find the right martial arts school is to canvas the area.  Unless you live in the sticks, your town will more than likely have a plethora of options available.  They will run from tiny groups at the local YMCA to large academies with multiple programs available.  Being the geeks we are, our Google-fu should be strong enough to find out a little bit online about each of your prospective schools.

From this, weed out the schools who:

  • Market their kids program much more aggressively than their adult program – While any school owner trying to make a solid living at teaching knows that kids are where the money is, we are looking for a quality program that suits your learning needs.  So unless you are planning on making this a family endeavor with your children, this is probably not going to be the school for you.
  • Make a big deal out of belt/rank progression – While rank is an important part of training as it helps you gauge where you are and how you have progressed, an overtly belt-centric program generally means lots of out-of-pocket expenses over time and a focus on passing tests for the sake of the test itself rather than natural skill progression.
  • Promise deadly elite killing skills – Stay away from schools marketing themselves with Special Forces/Anti-Terrorist/Law Enforcement lingo and descriptions.  They are almost always full of crap.

Now, you should probably have 3, maybe 4, schools left on your list.  Hopefully they are all different disciplines, but even if they aren’t we are going to visit them all and watch a class.

Since you don’t know much about what you are watching, you aren’t trying to base your impression on what is being taught you are going to look at how it is being taught.  As a side note – don’t get scared or intimidated thinking to yourself “I can never do that” when seeing something that looks outside what you perceive as your physical limits.  The human body is amazing and you can do anything with enough practice.  I promise.

After you have watched a class at all your prospective schools, which one struck you as the most interesting?  This is the first major hurdle to finding the right martial arts school for you… The decision will be gut based, as there will be so many factors contributing to your decision – Did you like the instructor’s manner, did the students all seem friendly and to enjoy themselves,  did everyone look like they got a good workout, was what was being taught interesting to you, etc…

After deciding what school you want to further look into it is time to set up an Intro class.  Almost all school’s will offer some form of introductory program; some are simply just joining the regular class for free for a session to try it out, some will have set aside time for private intro classes to familiarize you with the basics and terminology and some will be a series of classes.  Regardless, the intro should be free.  Any school that does not have an intro program, or wants you to pay for them to essentially give you a sales pitch on why you should join their school, should be avoided.  If that is the case simply revisit your mental checklist and move on to the next school.
If your intro looked anything like this, walk away slowly.

After your intro if you are still interested, it is time to decide whether or not to sign up.  Now, depending on the level of professionalism at the gym this might go down any number of ways.  Just remember that at the end of the day, they are trying to get you to join and pay them money and in return you are expecting quality instruction and assistance in helping meet your goals.  This is the time, if you didn’t already during the intro process, to discuss what you are looking for out of this.  This is about you, you are the consumer, so you want to make sure that the product you are about to buy meets your needs or at the bare minimum can be tailored to do so.  Don’t be shy, be 100% honest… This is your time and money being invested!  As I said, there will be a million methods a school will use to get you to sign up, but I want to offer one piece of advice here:

Do not sign a contract for anything longer than 6 months!

School’s will probably want you to enroll for a year at a time, but they will almost always have a 6 month option in their back-pocket should you balk at the commitment.  They will do their damnedest to convince you to go for the longer option, citing all sorts of success metrics and cost benefits.  Ignore it all and go for the 6 month deal even if it costs a little more.  That is a solid amount of time to commit to life changes, and something new, without biting off more of a commitment than you should with a hobby you are completely new to.

Once your sign that name on the dotted line, get out there on the mats and getting to sweating and learning.  Remember that you are new, and that everyone else there was in your spot at one point or another.  No-one will judge you for being a spaz.  Martial arts students tend to be the nicest and most compassionate people you will ever meet, and they are almost always willing to help!

So, to recap:

Step 1 – Google-Fu

Step 2 – Weed out bullshit

Step 3 – Watch some classes

Step 4 – Take an intro

Step 5 – Sign up

Step 6 – Profit Start learning how to fight bears

Now get out there, find the right martial arts school, and give it a shot! Make sure to let me know what you decided on trying!