Iron Rations – The Basics of Healthy Eating

The Basics of Healthy Eating

I have sat down in front of my keyboard no less than 10 times trying to write this post, and each time I find myself paralyzed by the enormity of the subject.

Healthy eating is a monster topic (one which I tackle in Clean Eating 101 in much more depth) but once I reminded myself that (just like with my awesomesauce fitness tips) eating better is an iterative process that slowly refines itself over time, I decided that the only way to do this was to start with the basics and go from there.

Eating right, and enjoying the food as you do it, becomes increasingly more and more difficult as the years go by… it is hard, and I sympathize with each and every one of you but we will get through it! Read more

The Mighty Jerd 101 (aka My Nerd Origin Story)

*opens some reader mail*

So there has been a lot of talk about sundry geekery* and some fantastic fitness advice; but not much about you, oh Mighty Jerd.  How do you get your geek on?


Loyal Reader

What is that you say?  You want to know about the Jerd’s personal geeks?

I hope you have time!  And I secretly hope you believe I am cool enough to get reader mail too…  Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me! So let’s take a stroll down Geek History Lane shall we? Read more

Nerd-Core Fitness 101 – Beginner Workout Mistakes

Happy #FitnessFriday loyal readers!

Today we are going to look at some common mistakes with the exercises contained with the Nerd-Core Fitness 101 series. As I have mentioned before, when you are performing these exercises proper form is paramount! Of course, no matter what you are doing you want to have good form but in the beginning we are trying to teach our skeleton and musculature good habits.

This isn’t easy, especially at first! As you are strengthening your major muscle groups you are also conditioning all your tendons and small stabilizer muscles at the same time. Everyone is different, and everyone will have weaker and stronger spots, but the constant is that everyone will sacrifice form subconsciously to make an exercise easier! You just have to be mindful when working out so that you can avoid putting reps of an exercise with shoddy form.

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Why Being Weird Is Awesome and Empowering!

Why Being Weird Is Awesome!

I'm weird. Not in a "I like to swim in a baby pool filled with…
Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

How To: Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

The older I get, the more important it is to me to stay injury…

How To: Turn a Setback Into a Success

Today I want to talk to you about setbacks... Last year I applied…

What Does The Word "Diet" Really Mean?

Continuing my quest to answer all of #TeamHooman's Twitter questions…