
How To: Become a Real-Life Superhero Pt 2

Heroes Transformation Journey 1Several weeks ago I started to explain the process that governs how to actually “Go from geek to real-life superhero” in How To Become a Real-Life Superhero Pt 1 (if you haven’t read it, take a few minutes and catch up now!)

Today I want to continue defining what it means for people to take their own personal Heroes Transformation journey.

In Part 1 of the series we defined what a hero actually is, how to visualize the heroic traits you want to embody, and explained the framework for this personal transformation… aka Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth, or Heroes Journey.

Don’t forget, you are the hero of your own story!

In the last installment we covered the first step of the journey, the “Call to Adventure“, so what is the second step?

Refusal of the Call!

That’s right; in almost every adventure, the hero punks out at first!

Let that mildly amusing fact be a comfort for you. We all get scared, and we all will try to rationalize our way to maintain the status quo. Fear of failure and the unknown is 100% natural and understandable!

What separates a hero from the masses is his/her ability to get past that initial refusal to do what is necessary.

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