
YouTube Domination!

We all new the day was coming…

That’s right, your old pal The Mighty Jerd (that’s me!) has finally caught up to 2007 and started a YouTube channel!

Nice Derp-face... Thanks YouTube!

“So what does this mean? Are you abandoning us?!?”

Absolutely not!

This is just one more way that I can help all of you loyal readers. You will still get your weekly dose of geeky fitness, diet and motivational articles right here but with the added bonus of getting to hear the sweet, dulcet tones of my voice sometimes! Every week I will be bringing you how-to exercise videos, custom workout videos and other assorted YouTube shenanigans.

So make sure you subscribe to the channel, and please let me know if there are any topics you would like covered! Let me know in the comments below, or toss them on a video (I promise to respond)! ‘Til next time!

Signed by the Jerd