
The Walking Dead Escape 2014… aka Nerds vs Zombies!

Nerds vs Zombies - The Walking Dead Escape - San Diego Comic-Con 2014 1

I think that by now it is clear that nerds shall inherit the earth.

But if that is true we might be in trouble because, in a lot of survival situations, I am pretty sure zombies > than most nerds!

The Dilemma

We geeks are often faced with an unfortunate dilemma when attempting to go from geek to real-life superhero.

Our hobbies are numerous, but rarely conducive to building a body fit for heroic adventures. We spend our time:

  • Reading comics
  • Playing video and role-playing games
  • Programming
  • Watching movies
  • Trolling the Internet

Then we have the social commitment associated with those hobbies as well:

  • Arguing about the latest issue of our favorite comics
  • Guild raiding
  • Project deadlines
  • Midnight showings
  • All those people on the Internet that need to be trolled

So even though we might know, deep in our hearts, that eating right and exercising is something we should be doing, we are often fearful of not only adding a new time commitment to our schedule, but also the simple fact that it these things are foreign and unknown.

I have said multiple times before (and I will keep saying it I’m sure) that you don’t have to leave your geeky hobbies and interests behind to get healthy and in-shape!

There are so many ways to merge fitness into your geeky lifestyle… and today we are going to talk about The Walking Dead Escape as just one of those ways you can get out and do something physical without being bored in a gym

So load your crossbow; we are about to open the door to a fun, alternative fitness opportunity!

Nerds vs Zombies - The Walking Dead Escape - San Diego Comic-Con 2014 2

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The Heroes’ Transformation – Stunt Work

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt Coalition

This website started with a single idea – That if my fellow geeks and nerds were introduced to physical activities that were both mentally engaging and fun, that they would be more inclined to get off their couch and exercise.

Originally I envisioned doing a web-series on YouTube where I traveled around finding geeky physical activities, trying them out and then grading them for the viewers.

After having this brilliant idea, and starting this website with no forethought or planning at all, (you can see our origin story here) I realized three very important things:

  1. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to making or editing videos.
  2. Even if I knew what I was doing, I would not be able to produce them fast enough to make it worthwhile on it’s own.
  3. Since proper diet is such a huge part of living a healthier lifestyle, a big piece of the fitness puzzle would still be missing. (I don’t think anyone wants to see a video of me shopping for my kitchen essentials!)

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt CoalitionI didn’t let that stop me though, I had a vision and a goal I wanted to achieve so I just modified things a little and kept moving forward!

If I learned anything from the things that inspired this site, namely Kevin Smith’s book Tough Sh*t (seriously, read it… it changed my outlook on life) and Felicia Day’s single-minded devotion to bringing her web-series “The Guild” to fruition, it is that if you believe in something just do it.

Being scared that you are going to fail, or putting things off until you are “more prepared” is a surefire way to never get anywhere. In fact, this mirrors my view on fitness as well; stop waiting and just get moving! (Check out my thoughts on the Basics of Getting in Shape)

So what exactly am I rambling about?

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The Mighty Jerd 105

Alright loyal readers, it is time for yet another edition of “Get to Know the Mighty Jerd!

One of my goals for starting this site, in addition to offering geektastic health and fitness advice, was to develop a community amongst the readers.

It’s no fun just talking at you, I want to talk with you. So one of the ways I have been doing that over the past year and a half has been by giving you glimpses into all the things over the years that have contributed to my geeky/athletic self in the hopes you would:

  1. Get to know me better and come to trust me so that when I give you the Koolaid you won’t resist
  2. Let me in on what makes you tick

We talked Pong, Mattel Handheld Football, Atari games and Dungeons & Dragons in The Mighty Jerd 101.

I let you in on my undying love of Steve Jackson Games in The Mighty Jerd 102, along with my first PC Gaming addiction (Wizardry) and my favorite arcade games.

The Mighty Jerd 103 was over-run with Hobbits, X-Men and Batman.

I let you all in on what really scares the crap out of me, sharks, in The Mighty Jerd 104.

Today, in another attempt at letting you get to know the jock hiding behind the nerd curtain, we are going to try something a little different just for fun.


I have come to find that I really, really enjoy video and sound editing (I never would have seen that coming a year ago). So I am leaning more and more towards trying to balance out writing articles for you fine folks, and sharing my thoughts via YouTube videos.

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The Mighty Jerd 104

Alright all you aspiring Jerds out there in Internet-land, it is time for yet another edition of “Get to Know the Mighty Jerd!

Over the past year I have been slowly mapping out exactly how I came to be such a Nerd of the highest order (my origin story if you will) by detailing all the things that piqued my interest as a small child, and how they influenced me growing up. Up until now they have been all about my geeky obsessions, the hobbies I partook in and the stuff I really enjoyed. Now, I know I promised to regale you all with tales of my awkward, early high school years (wait for it, it’s coming… I promise!) spent dreaming of becoming Batman, working at Renaissance Faires and comic book shops, all the while failing miserably to attract the fairer sex; I thought I would take things in a different direction today though.

If you haven’t followed along with the story so far, give The Mighty Jerd 101, 102 and 103 a read as well if you want to know all about the jock hiding behind the nerd curtain!

Why Sharks Scare the Crap Out of Me pt 1

While not one of my personal geeks, I know the horror genre is a big deal in the geek community at large. I can think of only two particularly significant times where this genre intersected with my childhood in a meaningful way:

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YouTube Domination!

We all new the day was coming…

That’s right, your old pal The Mighty Jerd (that’s me!) has finally caught up to 2007 and started a YouTube channel!

Nice Derp-face... Thanks YouTube!

“So what does this mean? Are you abandoning us?!?”

Absolutely not!

This is just one more way that I can help all of you loyal readers. You will still get your weekly dose of geeky fitness, diet and motivational articles right here but with the added bonus of getting to hear the sweet, dulcet tones of my voice sometimes! Every week I will be bringing you how-to exercise videos, custom workout videos and other assorted YouTube shenanigans.

So make sure you subscribe to the channel, and please let me know if there are any topics you would like covered! Let me know in the comments below, or toss them on a video (I promise to respond)! ‘Til next time!

Signed by the Jerd