5 Awesome Workout Motivation Tips!

Show of hands, who has ever wanted to skip a workout?

You… you too… you over there…

Well guess what? Me too!

We have all been there.

It’s not just you. It happens to us all, but when life tries to drain you of all your superpowers you can’t let it!

If we only worked out when we felt like it, or when we weren’t tired or stressed or too busy, we probably wouldn’t exercise very much at all.

There’s a reason we set our alarms for 5:30 in the morning and decline that tempting chocolate muffin! We’ve got goals. So for the days when the snooze button is just calling your name, or your goals just aren’t convincing enough, here are 5 way to get motivated and keep your eyes on the prize!

5 Awesome Ways To Get Motivated To Work Out

1. Get in the Car

Sometimes, the easiest way to get yourself ready to workout is just to get in your car and start driving to the gym.

Look, if you drive all the way to the gym, you’re at the gym! I mean, who sits outside the gym and decides to go home without at least getting a quick workout in?!?

So if you are enjoying the comfortable embrace of your couch, counting all the excuses you have for why you shouldn’t go to the gym, I want you to grab your keys and start driving. I bet that by the time you get to the gym you’ll feel up for a workout.

I mean, you’re already there… right?

“No matter where you go, there you are.”Buckaroo Banzai

2. Music

There is a reason so many people in the gym are rocking earphones.

Because music can be incredibly motivational!

Need to get yourself pumped to get to the gym? Fire up your favorite playlist in the car on your way there. Need to make it through the last few sets of a grueling workout? Crank some fist-pumping music and focus on that instead of the screaming your muscles are doing!

Spend a little time and cultivate a solid playlist, or Pandora/Spotify station, full of your favorite workout tunes and it will help you get in the mood to move.

3. Accountabilibuddies

I love my accountabilibuddies!

Without them I would do significantly less workouts, that’s for sure.

I am sure you have at least one friend who you can count on to workout with you, cheer you on, push you through those last few reps, or layer on the good-natured shame when you are slacking.

If you are waffling on whether or not you are going to do your scheduled workout, call or text someone who you know will hold you accountable! Maybe they will give you a little much needed motivation, or maybe they are already on their way to the gym and are expecting you there.

In a pinch virtual accountabilibuddies can work too!

Check out your social media feeds, I bet someone has uploaded a post-workout selfie that you can use as motivation to kick yourself into gear.

(Here I am after an early morning workout while enjoying San Diego Comic-Con. #noexcuses)

4. Dress for Success

Want to feel like you should be working out?

Then throw on your best workout gear!

Much like getting in the car, once you have your gym clothes on you are one step closer to the workout itself. So lace up your tennis shoes with purpose and get to working.

And if you are an early riser, you might want to lay out your clothes the night before for those early morning gym sessions… just one less thing to worry about when that alarm goes off.

Oh, and if you don’t have dedicated workout clothes may I suggest giving Geeked Out Fitness a look? Top quality workout (and lounging) clothes right there!

5. Eye on the Prize

I can pretty much guarantee you’ll never regret a workout.

Are there days where you will be exhausted? Sure. Days where you wake up sore, cursing the barbells or your trainer? Without a doubt.

The cliché truth is “the only bad workout is the one you don’t do.” And despite the fact it sounds like it belongs on a bad motivational poster, in bold text over a B&W photo of some dusty weights no less; these sorts of quotes exist because they are true.

You’ll never feel bad about making time for your workout. I promise. So anytime you feel your motivation flagging, I want you to take a moment and reflect on your goals… or even just the rest of your day. Will working out make you feel better, give you more energy, and get you closer to your goals?

You know the answer is always yes.

Well those are my 5 quick tips to stay motivated, what about you?

What do you do to keep yourself on track?!?

Let me know in the comments below!

(Photo #1 credit)

PS: If you want help becoming a real-life superhero, then make sure to get your copy of “The Heroes’ Transformation Guide and support the site. Don’t wait!

PPS: Also, be sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our mailing list… (no spam, I promise!)

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1 reply
  1. Daniel Wallace
    Daniel Wallace says:

    “Accountabilibuddies” is a really good word, but what I want to mention here are “liabilibuddies”. Back in the days, it often happened that someone said “I wanted to skip today, but I knew you would all be here and now I’m glad I didn’t” – and then it turned out nobody was “in the mood” today and we were all happy we got off our asses.
    Today, modern communication can be a real bummer. If I get the first “I won’t make it to training tonight” tweet at noon and the next one an hour later, it is a real blow to morale. Those are not the sport buddies you are looking for. They may be good friends, but look for someone else to train with.


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