Entries by TheJerd

Diets Don’t Work Dammit!

How’s that for a catchy article title? There really is no other way of putting it to be honest; if you are trying to lose weight and/or get healthier a “diet” is not going to give you the results you really want (and in some cases might actually be a detriment to your goals in the long […]

Iron Rations: Healthy Meal on the Go

So back in the first installment of Iron Rations we discussed the basics of how to improve your diet and to start properly fueling your body; I am sure that came as a surprise to no-one, and I am pretty positive we all know the general benefits that eating healthy have on us. Another thing I am pretty […]

How To: Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

We are now almost a week into 2013 and I am already seeing friends and family complain about slipping on their resolutions. It is a phenomenon that happens every year without fail! I think studies show that something around a staggering 80% of all resolutions are unsuccessful; and while the science behind why your brain […]

More Holiday Survival Tips

Well, my Jerdlings, we have one more holiday outing left in 2012; and that means one more potential excuse to make bad health choices under the guise of social convention. Back before Thanksgiving I offered up some insight on how to Survive the Holiday Dinners, but I thought it would be good to expand on that […]

Beginner Fitness Goals – A Guide

Seeing as the Mayans were wrong, and I am not humming an Aerosmith song as an asteroid hurdles towards Earth, I decided to reach back today and share a guest post on beginner fitness goals that I wrote for Glenneth Reed over on her blog “Let’s Talk and Walk“. With the inevitable weight of New Year’s resolutions and the like […]

Product Review: Pro-Grade Chin-up Bar by Beachbody

I was unsure if I wanted to endorse any products here at the Jerd at first; after thinking about it though, this entire endeavor is a response to questions I constantly get asked by people – “How do I lose weight?“, “What should I eat?“, “Why are you so awesome?” One of the other questions I […]

New “Man of Steel” trailer is out…

There was a lot of nerd-crying when the original teaser trailer for Man of Steel hit the interwebz (see it right here). People thought it looked too slow, too introspective… Personally I was looking forward to that sort of take on the Kryptonian mythos. To me Superman is unlike other superheroes; he isn’t human, he isn’t […]

The Keys to Running: Running Workouts

In order to improve your overall fitness level and progress as a runner, you will need to vary your workouts a bit.  There are many other types of runs in addition to the ones listed below, but these should definitely give your workout some variation and help improve your time, your speed, and strength! Hill […]

How To: Survive the Holiday Dinners

The holiday season is upon us, and that can mean a veritable death sentence for your diet if you aren’t careful! So what can you do to avoid a massive derailment of your personal fitness train? How can you brave the diabolical onslaught of Doctor Mashed Potato and his evil sidekick Gravy-Boy? How Do You […]

Reverse Engineer Your Way To Life Success!

I am constantly asked for advice, or to act as a sounding board, by friends dissatisfied with the way they see their health going. It is frustrating to me, not only because I want to see them succeed and live a healthier life but also because of their inability to determine what the actual root cause problems are. The reason […]

The Keys to Running: Your First Race

By now you’ve picked up the running bug.  It’s a habit, and you are somewhat committed to it.  You physically feel better, and maybe you even enjoy it.  But now you need something more.  Something of a challenge.  You are going to sign up for your first road race. Where do I sign up? There […]

Iron Rations – Turkey with Roasted Potatoes

So in the first Iron Rations article I gave you the basics of how to improve your diet to start properly fueling your body. The benefits of healthy eating cannot be stressed enough, especially when you are working out on a regular basis (which I know you are… right? If not, get the over to Nerd-Core Fitness and get […]

How To: Develop a Healthy Routine

If there are two things I can say, without the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, it is that: Geeks are smart. Geeks have great terrible self-control. (As in the movie version of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” terrible!) Everyone has routines, it is simple human nature. The problem is that a lot of them suck and are […]

The Keys to Running: Staying Motivated

There’s been a common theme recently at The Jerd about goals and motivation. I encourage you to read these posts: How To: Set Your Fitness Goals Beginners Guide to Setting Fitness Goals So let’s explore how to stay motivated as it applies to running. What’s the Big Deal?  Just go do it. Easier said than […]