Entries by TheJerd

The Mighty Jerd 101 (aka My Nerd Origin Story)

*opens some reader mail* “So there has been a lot of talk about sundry geekery* and some fantastic fitness advice; but not much about you, oh Mighty Jerd.  How do you get your geek on? Sincerely, Loyal Reader” What is that you say?  You want to know about the Jerd’s personal geeks? I hope you have […]

Nerd-Core Fitness 101 – Beginner Workout Mistakes

Happy #FitnessFriday loyal readers! Today we are going to look at some common mistakes with the exercises contained with the Nerd-Core Fitness 101 series. As I have mentioned before, when you are performing these exercises proper form is paramount! Of course, no matter what you are doing you want to have good form but in the beginning […]

How To: Schedule Your Workouts

As the Nerd-Core Fitness train keeps rolling along a lot of you loyal readers have been asking how to schedule your workouts. Now that you have three solid beginner workouts to do as well as tips on running, it can be a little overwhelming if you are new to fitness. So let’s recap for a moment; you […]

Nerd-Core Fitness 101 – Beginner Workout (Total Body)

We are now two full weeks into your “Heroes Transformation” my loyal followers! Hopefully you have been experiencing success with the previous Upper-Body and Lower-Body workouts and are now into a routine of setting aside 15-20 minutes three times a week to get superhero fit (Having a hard time finding the time? Look closer!) Now it […]

The Keys to Running: Buying Shoes

So last time we talked (The Keys to Running: Getting Started) we discussed how running/jogging can be a very easy activity to engage in, and how to get started with it. Now that you (hopefully) have gone out a few times you might have realized your feet are disagreeing with this newfound attempt at fitness. […]

Baltimore Comic Con 2012

So this weekend I had the pleasure of attending both days of the Baltimore Comic Con 2012, and I had a blast! Great vendors, lots of top talent from the comic-verse, a plethora of costumed attendees and great weather; plus the added bonus that it expanded a few more rows of display booths from years past. A nerd […]

Why is Batman so Popular?

Batman, for the last 20 years or so, has been one of the most well-known and well-loved comic book characters out there. A giant in the DC Comics universe, directly and indirectly responsible for 12 books out of the current lineup of 52 titles, and a juggernaut box office franchise. Why? What is it about the Caped Crusader […]

The Keys to Running: Getting Started

Running or jogging is one of the easiest athletic activities you can start doing. The barriers to this sport are so low in terms of preparing and equipment that nearly anyone can become a runner. You already know how to run, now you have to make yourself go do it. If you need help finding […]

How To: Set Your Fitness Goals

As I have mentioned before it can be overwhelming once you make the decision that you want to be more active and healthy.  Not only is it difficult to pin down the “hows” but it can be daunting just defining the “what“!  In order to set your fitness goals, and have them be realistic and actionable, you […]

Nerdcore Fitness 101 – Finding Time to Workout

Saying to yourself “I want to get in better shape” is one thing, actually finding time to workout during your busy schedule is another! With pesky things like family, careers and hobbies it becomes increasingly difficult to put aside the time to get fit, especially when you are starting out and confused as to how to approach this […]

Nerdcore Fitness 101 – The Intro

When I started this blog I wasn’t sure how much fitness advice I wanted to dole out, as there are so many magazines/books/Internet sites out there that are better positioned to offer that sort of content.  After thinking about it though I realized that so many programs and articles are written for people who already have a background […]

Jock? Nerd? Clarify.

I use the term Nerd and Geek pretty interchangeably (calm down Internet) and I am pretty sure that we all are familiar with what a Jock is… But for the sake of coherent blogging I will define them in the context of my ongoing ramblings. What is a Nerd/Geek? To me, being a geek/nerd is […]