San Diego Comic Con: More Than Just Comics

It should come as no surprise to any regular readers that San Diego Comic-Con (aka – SDCC, Nerd Prom, Nerdvana, The Biggest Geek Orgy of the Year, etc…) is a massive inspiration.

Both for this site, and to me personally.

Well the 2015 convention has come to a close, and once again my Cup ‘o Inspiration overfloweth!

Every year seems to have a theme to me.

And as I sit here, typing this at 30,000 feet on my way home, I can’t help but think that this year was all about Community.

Confession – I didn’t do much in the way of preparation for this year.

Of course I looked over the schedule and selected a few “must attend” panels, and filmed a PSA YouTube video, but other than that I had promised myself to not be stressed, to not rush around, and to just let things happen “organically” (I apologize, I work in corporate America and sometimes the buzzwords just come out. I kinda hate myself right now.)

Rather, this was going to be the year of just enjoying SDCC as a vacation.

And enjoy it I did!

Mostly because it consisted of me hanging out with friends from all over the world, meeting tons of fascinating new people, and having amazing once in a lifetime nerd experiences.

And while all of that is awesome, here is what made it the year of Community!
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How To Eat Healthy On A Budget

“Eating healthy is too expensive!”

If I only had a dollar for every time I have heard that nonsense I could finally buy that awesome Batman – Arkham Asylum LEGO set I have always wanted.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to sit here and tell you that unhealthy food isn’t often more accessible and sometimes cheaper than healthy alternatives; but I am going to clear up some misconceptions that go along with this line of thinking.

#JerdFact – You can eat healthy on a budget, it just takes some planning!

Today I want to talk about changing the way you think about healthy eating, specific foods that are a great bang for your buck, and how you can win at food!

I know I have said this before, but it bears repeating.

Whether you want to lose weight or pack on some muscle, making the right food choices will always account for 70-80% of your battle!

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Talking CosFit – An Interview

One of my favorite things to do is to peruse the Internet for other great, geek-inspired fitness resources…

Awhile back I stumbled across CosFit,a cosplay oriented fitness group on Facebook.

While not a cosplayer myself, I was immediately impressed with the way they not only promoted getting fit and healthy through a variety of great workout ideas; but also due to the amazing photographers and cosplayers they highlighted.

So I tracked down Mr. A (personal trainer, cosplayer and the creator of this interesting mashup) and asked him if he would like to sit down and talk about fitness, cosplay and what motivates him…

So let’s talk to the mind behind CosFit and see what it’s all about, shall we?

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Why Being Weird Is Awesome and Empowering!

Why Being Weird Is Awesome!

I'm weird. Not in a "I like to swim in a baby pool filled with…
Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

How To: Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

The older I get, the more important it is to me to stay injury…

How To: Turn a Setback Into a Success

Today I want to talk to you about setbacks... Last year I applied…

What Does The Word "Diet" Really Mean?

Continuing my quest to answer all of #TeamHooman's Twitter questions…