4 Superheroic Steps to Stop Snacking!

Editor’s Note: I am off preaching the good word of geek fitness at Awesome-Con this week, so I have asked the geektastic Mike Sweetman, from Be A Healthy Geek, to step in and shares his thoughts on how to stop snacking late at night… Take it away Mike!

It’s after supper, and I just can’t stop myself from heading to the cupboards for even more food.

This was me every night – I’d head to bed feeling defeated, and wake up tired because of all the food I’d ate late at night. It took me a lot of reflection and research, but I managed to defeat my personal super villain.

And I know you can too…

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Be The Superhero Version Of You

I want to talk about a very important fitness concept.

Who you are today, does not need to be who you are tomorrow.

So to kick this off, let’s look at three characters who didn’t start out all that heroic:

  • Wreck-It Ralph is a video game character whose entire existence is based on wrecking things. It’s literally his job to be the bad guy.
  • Black Widow, before she was avenging, spent her life training to be the perfect spy and assassin.
  • Melvin Potter (aka Gladiator) was a career criminal trying to go straight, but his bad choices leave him open to extortion by the Kingpin.

That’s not what’s interesting about these characters though.

What makes them so compelling is that they refused to settle for the cards they were dealt, or the mistakes they may have made.

It wasn’t easy, and they definitely ran into their fair share of hurdles along the way, but they fought to take control of their own destinies because they wanted more for themselves.

And just like these characters, your life has not been pre-determined. Your fate is not woven into the threads at the foot of Yggdrasil.

You can make changes if you want to!
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The Secret to a Winning Fitness Motivation Plan

Getting started with an exercise program or a healthy diet is relatively easy…

Staying motivated though?

That’s a different story!

Once the excitement of doing something new and positive wears off, it takes hard work to stay on track.

The majority of the questions I get asked are not about exercises or recipes; they are about how to stay motivated. It’s mostly things like:

  • “I can’t stick with a program for more than 2-3 weeks before I go back to old habits.”
  • “I’m fine at home, but when I go out the temptation to eat poorly is too strong!”
  • “I know I need to exercise, but I can’t get myself motivated after work…”
  • “Donuts own my soul.”

This is unfortunately all too common, and it’s easy to get down on yourself and feel ashamed. The whole point of under-taking a heroes’ transformation is to control of your own destiny, but here you are feeling like you have no control over your urges or life.

It can be extremely frustrating.

You want to make positive changes, but your brain keeps rebelling!

So today we are going to talk about how willpower and priorities feed your motivation, and how to make changes that will help you follow through with your goals.

If you follow these steps, I guarantee you will be able to come up with a solid plan to keep yourself motivated and on track.

That’s right, today we figure out how to win at motivation.

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Why Being Weird Is Awesome and Empowering!

Why Being Weird Is Awesome!

I'm weird. Not in a "I like to swim in a baby pool filled with…
Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

How To: Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

The older I get, the more important it is to me to stay injury…

How To: Turn a Setback Into a Success

Today I want to talk to you about setbacks... Last year I applied…

What Does The Word "Diet" Really Mean?

Continuing my quest to answer all of #TeamHooman's Twitter questions…