The Mighty Jerd 105

Alright loyal readers, it is time for yet another edition of “Get to Know the Mighty Jerd!

One of my goals for starting this site, in addition to offering geektastic health and fitness advice, was to develop a community amongst the readers.

It’s no fun just talking at you, I want to talk with you. So one of the ways I have been doing that over the past year and a half has been by giving you glimpses into all the things over the years that have contributed to my geeky/athletic self in the hopes you would:

  1. Get to know me better and come to trust me so that when I give you the Koolaid you won’t resist
  2. Let me in on what makes you tick

We talked Pong, Mattel Handheld Football, Atari games and Dungeons & Dragons in The Mighty Jerd 101.

I let you in on my undying love of Steve Jackson Games in The Mighty Jerd 102, along with my first PC Gaming addiction (Wizardry) and my favorite arcade games.

The Mighty Jerd 103 was over-run with Hobbits, X-Men and Batman.

I let you all in on what really scares the crap out of me, sharks, in The Mighty Jerd 104.

Today, in another attempt at letting you get to know the jock hiding behind the nerd curtain, we are going to try something a little different just for fun.


I have come to find that I really, really enjoy video and sound editing (I never would have seen that coming a year ago). So I am leaning more and more towards trying to balance out writing articles for you fine folks, and sharing my thoughts via YouTube videos.

This one is pretty random, and not meant to be taken seriously at all (except the part about the Robot Apocalypse, that is going to happen… mark my words!) but I thought a light-hearted look into the mind of your good pal The Mighty Jerd would be fun.

Is there anything you want to know about me that I can put into The Mighty Jerd 106?

What about your answers to the Best Tag Ever questions?

Let’s get to chatting in the comments below!

If you like hearing the sweet, dulcet tones of my voice (or if you want access to our Nerd-Core Fitness exercise videos) make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site) and be sure to Sign up for our newsletter and get your free e-book! There are so many different ways for you to get your daily dose of Jerdly goodness so don’t miss out!

Signed by the Jerd




14 replies
  1. Peggy Nolan
    Peggy Nolan says:

    Hello Jeff!

    I love your vision to bring health and fitness to geeks everywhere! I train with a lot of geeks. Hec, I am a geek. I haven’t stepped foot in a gym in nearly 5 years. But, I do train martial arts at a dojo 🙂

    Keep doing what you’re doing!! No more couch potatoes!

    Peggy (from UBC)
    Peggy Nolan

    • TheJerd
      TheJerd says:

      Thanks for stopping by! I find that mixing up writing articles with doing videos breaks the monotony a little. The time it takes to film and edit a video really isn’t much more than writing one of my long articles…

      Give it a shot and let me know where I can watch it!

  2. Julie H.
    Julie H. says:

    Hah! I love you. 🙂 Oh, and I seriously remember you going on to someone about test tube babies in math class. I do not, however, remember who, and am dyyyyying to remember now!

  3. Bill Giles
    Bill Giles says:

    So now that we know what your favorite tree is…If the Jerd were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? (thanking Barbara Walters in advance)

  4. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    Looks like great minds think alike today. I did a post on 30 quirky things about me, not that your things are quirky. Okay we can call them quirky. We are both quirky. Hah


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