Drink More Water!

Drink More Water - The Jerd

That’s it.

No catchy title, no complicated program to follow.

Just one simple tip that most people looking to be healthier should follow.

Drink more water!

Whether you are trying to lose weight, get in better shape or just feel better day-to-day this will make a huge difference. I promise!

The benefits of guzzling water are legion, but here are a few key ones:

  • Decreases hunger (Helps with weight loss!)
  • Flushes toxins (Helps your overall health and well-being!)
  • Increase your energy (Helps you make it through the day!)
  • Increase muscle performance (Helps you get more out of your workouts!)
  • Improve skin (Helps you look better!)
  • Assists with digestion (Really, do I have to explain?)

It stands to reason right? The human body is approximately 60% water after all!

I can speak from experience that when I am not drinking enough water I feel it the moment I step into the gym or onto the training mats. The difference in how I perform (and therefore the gains I make) is really apparent. I tire much faster, and often feel sluggish, if I have had a day where I’ve been on the go and forgotten to pour at least a liter and a half down my throat.

So what can we do to ensure we drink enough?

Embrace Your Inner Aquaman

AquamanI have a confession to make, even knowing all of the above I still am not a fan of drinking water. I do it, but it certainly is not my favorite beverage…

Even though in my head I know that my first choice when I am thirsty (oh, and by the way if you actually find yourself thirsty you are already starting to show signs of mild dehydration so get to drinking!) should be water but given a side by side with another potential drink, like fruit juice or tea, I have to force myself to make the right decision.

So I figured I can’t be the only one and thought some of you are like me and kind of hate the taste of water. For us weirdos, here are a couple of tips:

  1. Add some flavor! – This one little tip helped me put down the iced teas and calorie laden beverages and start guzzling more H2O. I started adding fruit to my water. Whether I was drinking from a glass, a water jug or a to-go cup I would crush up a handful of raspberries or blackberries and toss them in, or even better a few lemon, lime or cucumber slices (great thing about fruit slices is that one or two will flavor multiple refills). This one adjustment seriously increased my water consumption by leaps and bounds!
  2. Always keep water nearby! – I suffer from “out of sight, out of mind” syndrome something fierce, so I make sure that I keep a container specifically for water near me at all times. Whether it’s a water-bottle, a to go cup, whatever… it is for water and nothing else, so when I look at it and see it is empty I know to go fill it back up and keep taking gulps of it as my day progresses. I have found that this way it becomes a habit of sorts I don’t have to think about how much I am drinking, as I generally will consume enough if I just keep refilling it through the day.

I know it sounds like common sense, and I am sure a lot of you already drink more than enough but it’s always a good reminder!

Make sure you drink 48-80 ounces of water a day and enjoy all the subtle benefits… oh, and those of you trying to lose weight, make sure you are drinking a tall glass of liquid life right before you sit down for a meal. It will help curb that appetite!

Do you have any tips for staying hydrated? Let me know in the comments below!

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PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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11 replies
  1. Susan Evans
    Susan Evans says:

    Thank you for reminding me to drink water. I know that I don’t drink nearly enough water, especially because I’m thirsty a lot. And now that I’m trying to lose weight, I should definitely drink more water!

    • TheJerd
      TheJerd says:

      You definitely should! Weight loss gets easier if you you are drinking enough H2O… thanks for stopping by and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in your weight loss journey!

  2. Catherine
    Catherine says:

    Thanks for this reminder! I’m a fitness professional who sometimes forgets about drinking water. Lately I’ve been teaching a lot more classes and have that water bottle with me at all times is CRUCIAL! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Julie H.
    Julie H. says:

    Drinking water right before you eat a meal is a great habit for everyone, whether you want to lose weight or not! It helps pull the hydrochloric acid out of your stomach to aid in digestion. Plus, too much liquid either with or right after a meal dilutes and impairs digestion. I stick to a strict water regimen (as per my doctor) of one glass upon waking, then a 2nd glass 30 minutes later before breakfast. Another before lunch, and again before dinner, with the rest spread out throughout the day, finishing by 3 hours before bed (so I’m not up all night having to pee). If it helps anyone figure out how many ounces to drink within that 48-80 range, I am 140 lbs and need to drink eight 8 oz. glasses a day.

  4. GiGi Eats Celebrities
    GiGi Eats Celebrities says:

    THANK YOU for the reminder!!! I need it, because I definitely DO NOT drink enough water during the day! However, I drink a ton of water at night — Water tends to BLOAT ME, which is weird, right? Well, not so much in my circumstance as my digestion is all kinds of FUNKY!

  5. NerdishMum
    NerdishMum says:

    This is one of the things I really struggle with. I’ve tried the keeping a glass in sight thing and I still go make a cup of tea. I’d not heard the fruit option before though so I will be trying that!


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  1. […] grab a glass of water. Before you grab a bag of pretzels when you are feeling peckish, see if a glass of water fills you […]

  2. […] veggies (we all know the holiday meals are almost always nothing but protein and carbs) and by drinking a lot of water to help curb your […]

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