The Heroes’ Transformation – Stunt Work

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt Coalition

This website started with a single idea – That if my fellow geeks and nerds were introduced to physical activities that were both mentally engaging and fun, that they would be more inclined to get off their couch and exercise.

Originally I envisioned doing a web-series on YouTube where I traveled around finding geeky physical activities, trying them out and then grading them for the viewers.

After having this brilliant idea, and starting this website with no forethought or planning at all, (you can see our origin story here) I realized three very important things:

  1. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to making or editing videos.
  2. Even if I knew what I was doing, I would not be able to produce them fast enough to make it worthwhile on it’s own.
  3. Since proper diet is such a huge part of living a healthier lifestyle, a big piece of the fitness puzzle would still be missing. (I don’t think anyone wants to see a video of me shopping for my kitchen essentials!)

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt CoalitionI didn’t let that stop me though, I had a vision and a goal I wanted to achieve so I just modified things a little and kept moving forward!

If I learned anything from the things that inspired this site, namely Kevin Smith’s book Tough Sh*t (seriously, read it… it changed my outlook on life) and Felicia Day’s single-minded devotion to bringing her web-series “The Guild” to fruition, it is that if you believe in something just do it.

Being scared that you are going to fail, or putting things off until you are “more prepared” is a surefire way to never get anywhere. In fact, this mirrors my view on fitness as well; stop waiting and just get moving! (Check out my thoughts on the Basics of Getting in Shape)

So what exactly am I rambling about?

“You have only to believe if you wish to achieve. That rhymed. Unintentional.” – Rod Kimble, Hot Rod

Over a year after getting the Jerd Movement in motion I have finally gotten around to producing my first “episode” and I am ready to unleash it on the Interwebz!

Enter the DC Stunt Coalition

For my first foray into being in front of the camera/directing/editing/etc… I figured the most natural place to do it would be with a bunch of people who also were interested in the same things.

So I threw on my trusty Daredevil t-shirt (what better superhero to represent while giving this a shot?) and got in touch with the fine folks at the DC Stunt Coalition!

DC Stunt Coalition

As a lifelong fan of Wuxia flicks (often affectionately known as “Wire Fu” movies) I have always had the utmost respect for stuntwork, but other than watching behind-the-scenes footage on DVDs like “The Matrix” and “Hidden Tiger, Crouching Dragon” I really had no idea what it entailed; I was pretty sure it would be an interesting alternative to going to the gym though!

So How Did It Stack Up?

Let me get right to the point. After spending a few nights with Dylan Hintz, and his aspiring band of stunt people, I can honestly say that not only is this a really fun and social activity but it also is a decent way to stay flexible and burn some calories!

Before I get into the skills we covered in my time with the group I want to make one thing very clear – Safety was the top concern!

“The safe word is ‘hhhwhiskey’.” – Rod Kimble, Hot Rod

Regardless of the skill we worked on, from the simplicity of stretching to the complicated movements of a choreographed fight scene, Dylan and his team were always there making sure that everyone was enjoying themselves and being safe; that said a lot to me and made me feel comfortable in recommending not only stunt work as a viable fitness alternative but also their particular group.

The video only shows a very small section of the skills I worked on over the three nights I visited the DC Stunt Coalition.

What was so fun, and excited me, was the fact that there were so many skills to work on, and so many directions I could take my individual training!

Each night we started as a group, running through a basic stretching routine and then going through the groups unique breakfall and tumbling curriculum. It was a great way to get warmed up, and for the coaches to see who needed to work on what and to give beginners individual attention.

Then we moved on to station training and people were encouraged to go work on whatever skills they wanted or were trying to hone for a specific project be it for film or stage. Some of the skills we worked on were:

  • Trampoline work – If you watched the video you got a taste of the sorts of “air sense” they are trying to help cultivate and the aerial acrobatics and body control exercises that can be worked on.
  • High Falls – All  sorts of specific methods for falling were covered from the Header (shown in the video) to the Face-off, Back fall, and Suicide; as well as how to “sell” the fall (aka acting while plummeting through the air).
  • Fight Choreography – Both unarmed and armed fight scenes were being hashed out by different groups. People worked on both the basics of making the fight look believable as well as learning how to frame the action so that it looks real on camera.
  • Tricking – Advanced acrobatics and fight choreography came together as people flipped through the air kicking at things, embracing their inner Tony Jaa (If you don’t know who I am talking about finish this article and then go rent “Ong Bak” on DVD. Now.)
  • Vaulting – Both diving through small spaces, over long distances and over high obstacles.

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt Coalition 2a

Unfortunately I missed the class where they were rigged up to a wire system and simulating being shot and then flying through the air backwards… how epically awesome does that sound?

Anyway, what I am getting at is that I only scratched the surface with what I saw. This is such a vast subject with multiple avenues to pursue based on your interests!

I also want to point out that everyone seemed to learn at their own pace and speed.

At no point did I see anyone pushed past their limits!

The Final Grade

In addition to the safety factor I already covered, there were three keys things that really stood out to me and made me comfortable enough to recommend this as a potential alternative fitness activity to you loyal readers:

  1. Everyone wants everyone else to succeed and get better. There was a serious family vibe going on.
  2. There were people of all shapes and sizes there. You do not have to be in great shape to get started!
  3. Age should not be a problem as long as you know your own limits. I am 41 and had no problem at all (other than being a complete spaz on the trampoline) with any of the skills we worked on.

I gave this a final score of a “B“; it’s definitely a fun activity that is going to get you out of your house and moving around.

Is it going to pack on lots of muscle or burn a ton of calories? No, probably not… but it will get you limber and active as well as having the side benefit of learning how to not hurt yourself should you ever take an unexpected tumble.

So what activity should I tackle next? Let me know in the comments below (the geekier the better)!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site.) There are so many different ways for you to get your daily dose of Jerdly goodness so don’t miss out!

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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3 replies
  1. Betsy
    Betsy says:

    We have two signed copies of “Tough Sh*t” by Kevin Smith, we LOVE him! He is an inspiration and a heck of a funny guy. We see him (along with Jason Mewes and anyone else he is with) everytime he comes to the Milwaukee Area.

    • TheJerd
      TheJerd says:


      I really had an epiphany of sorts when he talked about not asking “why” but rather asking “why not”. He hit on it when I saw him live in San Diego and then when I read the book it just clicked for me.


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